Below you will find pending and recent matches. Pending matches have not had their verification period expire and are not counted in the standings yet. Recent matches are official and are reflected in the standings. For more information, read up on the match approval process.

Pending Matches

No outstanding matches require verification.

* Pending match +/- and rating calculations include unverified matches. They may change if matches are rejected.

Recent Matches

Reporter Rating Opponent Rating Match Result Reported On Resolved On
+18 - hehasmoments 1542 -18 - Prodigy 1541 Reporter wins. 12/2/2018 2:41 PM 12/2/2018 2:42 PM
+13 - Howl86 1568 -13 - hangedMan 1479 Reporter wins. 12/2/2018 1:22 PM 12/2/2018 1:24 PM
+14 - Shekky_ducky 1592 -14 - hehasmoments 1524 Reporter wins. 12/1/2018 2:01 PM 12/2/2018 2:01 PM
+15 - SereneJ 1621 -15 - Shekky_ducky 1578 Reporter wins. 11/30/2018 5:22 PM 12/1/2018 5:22 PM
+10 - roullette 1540 -10 - RSDoom 1394 Reporter wins. 11/29/2018 8:59 AM 11/30/2018 8:59 AM
+11 - roullette 1530 -11 - RSDoom 1404 Reporter wins. 11/28/2018 9:03 AM 11/29/2018 9:03 AM
+13 - SereneJ 1606 -13 - roullette 1519 Reporter wins. 11/26/2018 10:22 AM 11/27/2018 10:22 AM
+14 - Prodigy 1559 -14 - hangedMan 1492 Reporter wins. 11/25/2018 11:40 AM 11/25/2018 11:53 AM
+14 - Shekky_ducky 1593 -14 - roullette 1532 Reporter wins. 11/25/2018 9:40 AM 11/26/2018 9:41 AM
+16 - Shekky_ducky 1579 -16 - Prodigy 1545 Reporter wins. 11/23/2018 10:27 AM 11/24/2018 10:27 AM
+17 - Shekky_ducky 1563 -17 - Prodigy 1561 Reporter wins. 11/23/2018 9:19 AM 11/24/2018 9:20 AM
+16 - Shekky_ducky 1546 -16 - hangedMan 1506 Reporter wins. 11/22/2018 9:28 AM 11/22/2018 9:38 AM
+17 - Shekky_ducky 1530 -17 - hangedMan 1522 Reporter wins. 11/22/2018 8:45 AM 11/22/2018 9:38 AM
+10 - SereneJ 1593 -10 - Antaiseito 1438 Reporter wins. 11/19/2018 3:05 PM 11/20/2018 3:06 PM
+11 - SereneJ 1583 -11 - Antaiseito 1448 Reporter wins. 11/19/2018 3:04 PM 11/20/2018 3:05 PM
+17 - Prodigy 1578 -17 - Howl86 1555 Reporter wins. 11/18/2018 4:00 PM 11/19/2018 4:00 PM
+12 - hangedMan 1539 -12 - RSDoom 1415 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 6:51 PM 11/17/2018 6:52 PM
+15 - SereneJ 1572 -15 - hangedMan 1527 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 5:22 PM 11/17/2018 11:21 AM
+10 - hangedMan 1542 -10 - Dutyword 1385 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 11:21 AM 11/17/2018 11:21 AM
+11 - hehasmoments 1538 -11 - Dutyword 1395 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 10:10 AM 11/17/2018 10:10 AM
+10 - Howl86 1572 -10 - Dutyword 1406 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 6:54 AM 11/17/2018 6:54 AM
+10 - Howl86 1562 -10 - Dutyword 1416 Reporter wins. 11/16/2018 6:53 AM 11/17/2018 6:54 AM
+19 - hehasmoments 1527 -19 - Howl86 1552 Reporter wins. 11/15/2018 2:29 PM 11/16/2018 2:29 PM
+17 - Blargg 1470 -17 - Antaiseito 1459 Reporter wins. 11/12/2018 3:11 PM 11/13/2018 3:11 PM
+15 - SereneJ 1557 -15 - hehasmoments 1508 Reporter wins. 11/12/2018 4:34 AM 11/13/2018 4:34 AM
+15 - SereneJ 1542 -15 - thesirz 1485 Reporter wins. 11/11/2018 3:14 PM 11/12/2018 3:14 PM
+14 - hehasmoments 1523 -14 - Blargg 1453 Reporter wins. 11/11/2018 2:33 PM 11/12/2018 2:33 PM
+15 - hehasmoments 1509 -15 - Blargg 1467 Reporter wins. 11/11/2018 2:33 PM 11/12/2018 2:33 PM
+20 - Dutyword 1426 -20 - Antaiseito 1476 Reporter wins. 11/11/2018 8:29 AM 11/12/2018 8:29 AM
+13 - Antaiseito 1496 -13 - Dutyword 1406 Reporter wins. 11/11/2018 8:27 AM 11/12/2018 8:27 AM
+17 - hehasmoments 1494 -17 - Antaiseito 1483 Reporter wins. 11/10/2018 3:11 PM 11/11/2018 3:12 PM
+19 - hehasmoments 1477 -19 - Shekky_ducky 1513 Reporter wins. 11/10/2018 12:23 PM 11/11/2018 12:23 PM
+14 - Shekky_ducky 1532 -14 - hehasmoments 1458 Reporter wins. 11/10/2018 9:29 AM 11/11/2018 9:29 AM
+13 - SereneJ 1527 -13 - RSDoom 1427 Reporter wins. 11/9/2018 1:31 PM 11/10/2018 1:31 PM
+13 - Howl86 1571 -13 - hehasmoments 1472 Reporter wins. 11/8/2018 2:05 PM 11/9/2018 2:06 PM
+12 - Howl86 1558 -12 - RSDoom 1440 Reporter wins. 11/8/2018 7:38 AM 11/9/2018 7:38 AM
+21 - RSDoom 1452 -21 - Shekky_ducky 1518 Reporter wins. 11/7/2018 5:57 PM 11/8/2018 5:57 PM
+12 - Shekky_ducky 1539 -12 - RSDoom 1431 Reporter wins. 11/7/2018 5:54 PM 11/8/2018 5:54 PM
+12 - Shekky_ducky 1527 -12 - Dutyword 1419 Reporter wins. 11/6/2018 8:27 PM 11/7/2018 8:27 PM
+13 - Shekky_ducky 1515 -13 - Dutyword 1431 Reporter wins. 11/6/2018 8:03 PM 11/7/2018 8:03 PM
+12 - Howl86 1546 -12 - RSDoom 1443 Reporter wins. 11/6/2018 4:43 PM 11/7/2018 4:43 PM
+15 - roullette 1546 -15 - hehasmoments 1485 Reporter wins. 11/6/2018 7:58 AM 11/7/2018 7:58 AM
+15 - SereneJ 1514 -15 - RSDoom 1455 Reporter wins. 11/5/2018 3:50 PM 11/6/2018 3:51 PM
+16 - Howl86 1534 -16 - SereneJ 1499 Reporter wins. 11/5/2018 3:09 PM 11/6/2018 3:09 PM
+11 - Alotoaxolotls2 1574 -11 - Dutyword 1433 Match withdrawn. 11/5/2018 8:55 AM 11/5/2018 8:55 AM
+12 - Alotoaxolotls2 1563 -12 - Dutyword 1444 Reporter wins. 11/5/2018 8:54 AM 11/6/2018 8:55 AM
+13 - Alotoaxolotls2 1551 -13 - Dutyword 1456 Reporter wins. 11/5/2018 8:54 AM 11/6/2018 8:54 AM
+15 - roullette 1531 -15 - Dutyword 1469 Reporter wins. 11/5/2018 5:29 AM 11/6/2018 5:29 AM
+18 - Howl86 1518 -18 - SereneJ 1515 Reporter wins. 11/4/2018 3:14 PM 11/5/2018 3:14 PM
+15 - Howl86 1515 -15 - Blargg 1467 Match withdrawn. 11/4/2018 2:38 PM 11/4/2018 3:16 PM

Match Comments

Shekky_ducky (+14) defeated hehasmoments (-14) on 12/1/2018 2:01 PM
My Law Dogs vs. his Regulators
SereneJ (+15) defeated Shekky_ducky (-15) on 11/30/2018 5:22 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters vs Desolation Row - ctrl over inf - before time
roullette (+10) defeated RSDoom (-10) on 11/29/2018 8:59 AM

T4R wins
roullette (+11) defeated RSDoom (-11) on 11/28/2018 9:03 AM
T4R vs OG Law dogs

T4R win
SereneJ (+13) defeated roullette (-13) on 11/26/2018 10:22 AM
my 108 Drunken masters vs the 4th ring - control over inf - win before time
Prodigy (+14) defeated hangedMan (-14) on 11/25/2018 11:40 AM
My Arsenal vs his Regulators
Very close one, went to time
Shekky_ducky (+14) defeated roullette (-14) on 11/25/2018 9:40 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his 4th Ring
Shekky_ducky (+16) defeated Prodigy (-16) on 11/23/2018 10:27 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his Regulators (w/ Stone)
Shekky_ducky (+17) defeated Prodigy (-17) on 11/23/2018 9:19 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his Arsenal
Shekky_ducky (+16) defeated hangedMan (-16) on 11/22/2018 9:28 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his Regulators (2nd match of 11/22)
Shekky_ducky (+17) defeated hangedMan (-17) on 11/22/2018 8:45 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his Regulators
SereneJ (+10) defeated Antaiseito (-10) on 11/19/2018 3:05 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters - no clear winner - greater control at tiebreaker - at time
SereneJ (+11) defeated Antaiseito (-11) on 11/19/2018 3:04 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters vs Justice in Exile (control over inf) - within time
Prodigy (+17) defeated Howl86 (-17) on 11/18/2018 4:00 PM
My Arsenal vs his Original flavored Law Dogs
I got a lot of lucky, high legal hands!
hangedMan (+12) defeated RSDoom (-12) on 11/16/2018 6:51 PM
His Protection Racket vs my Full Moon Bros. Can't thank RSDoom enough for the pointers after the match!
SereneJ (+15) defeated hangedMan (-15) on 11/16/2018 5:22 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters vs Full Moon Brotherhood - control over inf - before time
hangedMan (+10) defeated Dutyword (-10) on 11/16/2018 11:21 AM
Good match against a nice player! His Morgan Cattle Co vs my Full Moon Bros.
hehasmoments (+11) defeated Dutyword (-11) on 11/16/2018 10:10 AM
Morgan Cattle Co Vs Protection Racket
hehasmoments (+19) defeated Howl86 (-19) on 11/15/2018 2:29 PM
Protection Racket vs Law Dogs
SereneJ (+15) defeated hehasmoments (-15) on 11/12/2018 4:34 AM
My 108 Drunken Masters vs Protection Racket - ctrl over inf - within time
SereneJ (+15) defeated thesirz (-15) on 11/11/2018 3:14 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters vs Morgan Regulators (ctrl over inf) within time
hehasmoments (+14) defeated Blargg (-14) on 11/11/2018 2:33 PM
Full Moon Brotherhood vs Gateway to Beyond
hehasmoments (+15) defeated Blargg (-15) on 11/11/2018 2:33 PM
Protection Racket Vs Justice in Exile
Antaiseito (+13) defeated Dutyword (-13) on 11/11/2018 8:27 AM
Justice in Exile vs Morgan Cattle Comp
hehasmoments (+17) defeated Antaiseito (-17) on 11/10/2018 3:11 PM
Justice in Exile vs Protection Racket
hehasmoments (+19) defeated Shekky_ducky (-19) on 11/10/2018 12:23 PM
Law Dogs Vs Protection Racket Rematch
Shekky_ducky (+14) defeated hehasmoments (-14) on 11/10/2018 9:29 AM
My Law Dogs vs. his Protection Racket
SereneJ (+13) defeated RSDoom (-13) on 11/9/2018 1:31 PM
my 108 Drunken Masters vs Protection Racket (ctrl over inf) - within time
Shekky_ducky (+12) defeated RSDoom (-12) on 11/7/2018 5:54 PM
My Law Dogs vs. his FMB
Shekky_ducky (+12) defeated Dutyword (-12) on 11/6/2018 8:27 PM
My Des Row vs. his MCC
Shekky_ducky (+13) defeated Dutyword (-13) on 11/6/2018 8:03 PM
My Law Dogs (seriously) vs. his Morgan Cattle Co.
roullette (+15) defeated hehasmoments (-15) on 11/6/2018 7:58 AM
T4R vs FMB

Hot Grimme on Grimme action
SereneJ (+15) defeated RSDoom (-15) on 11/5/2018 3:50 PM
My 108 Drunken Masters vs Full Moon Brotherhood - ctrl over inf - within time
Alotoaxolotls2 (+11) defeated Dutyword (-11) on 11/5/2018 8:55 AM
108 Drunken Masters vs. Morgan Cattle co.
Alotoaxolotls2 (+12) defeated Dutyword (-12) on 11/5/2018 8:54 AM
108 Drunken Masters vs. Morgan Cattle co.
Alotoaxolotls2 (+13) defeated Dutyword (-13) on 11/5/2018 8:54 AM
108 Drunken Masters vs. Morgan Cattle Co.
roullette (+15) defeated Dutyword (-15) on 11/5/2018 5:29 AM