Below you will find pending and recent matches. Pending matches have not had their verification period expire and are not counted in the standings yet. Recent matches are official and are reflected in the standings. For more information, read up on the match approval process.

Pending Matches

No outstanding matches require verification.

* Pending match +/- and rating calculations include unverified matches. They may change if matches are rejected.

Recent Matches

Reporter Rating Opponent Rating Match Result Reported On Resolved On
+18 - podoboyz99 1514 -18 - GwiLo 1517 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 10:57 PM 12/20/2015 11:25 PM
+16 - GwiLo 1535 -16 - podoboyz99 1496 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 10:08 PM 12/20/2015 10:16 PM
+17 - GwiLo 1519 -17 - podoboyz99 1512 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 9:46 PM 12/20/2015 10:08 PM
+16 - podoboyz99 1529 -16 - GwiLo 1502 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 9:06 PM 12/20/2015 10:08 PM
+17 - GwiLo 1518 -17 - podoboyz99 1513 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 8:42 PM 12/20/2015 8:44 PM
+16 - podoboyz99 1530 -16 - GwiLo 1501 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 8:40 PM 12/20/2015 8:42 PM
+15 - Frizzler 1531 -15 - bahram 1469 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 2:01 PM 12/20/2015 2:12 PM
+16 - Frizzler 1516 -16 - bahram 1484 Reporter wins. 12/20/2015 2:00 PM 12/20/2015 2:12 PM
+14 - cspieker 1508 -14 - BoogalooShrimp 1439 Reporter wins. 12/19/2015 5:30 PM 12/20/2015 1:04 AM
+16 - cspieker 1494 -16 - BoogalooShrimp 1453 Reporter wins. 12/19/2015 4:43 PM 12/20/2015 1:04 AM
+21 - cspieker 1478 -21 - Matuszczak 1549 Reporter wins. 12/18/2015 7:04 PM 12/20/2015 1:04 AM
+12 - Matuszczak 1570 -12 - cspieker 1457 Reporter wins. 12/18/2015 6:39 PM 12/19/2015 11:26 AM
+17 - GwiLo 1517 -17 - podoboyz99 1514 Reporter wins. 12/18/2015 5:22 PM 12/19/2015 10:13 PM
+13 - Matuszczak 1558 -13 - trogador 1472 Reporter wins. 12/17/2015 10:28 AM 12/17/2015 10:34 PM
+15 - Matuszczak 1545 -15 - trogador 1485 Reporter wins. 12/17/2015 10:21 AM 12/17/2015 10:34 PM
+16 - Matuszczak 1530 -16 - callmedutch 1501 Reporter wins. 12/16/2015 4:34 PM 12/17/2015 10:34 PM
+17 - callmedutch 1517 -17 - Matuszczak 1514 Reporter wins. 12/16/2015 4:31 PM 12/17/2015 10:32 PM
+15 - podoboyz99 1531 -15 - cspieker 1469 Reporter wins. 12/14/2015 9:46 PM 12/14/2015 9:53 PM
+16 - podoboyz99 1516 -16 - cspieker 1484 Reporter wins. 12/14/2015 9:45 PM 12/14/2015 9:53 PM
+15 - Matuszczak 1531 -15 - BoogalooShrimp 1469 Reporter wins. 12/14/2015 4:33 PM 12/14/2015 4:34 PM
+16 - Matuszczak 1516 -16 - BoogalooShrimp 1484 Reporter wins. 12/14/2015 4:05 PM 12/14/2015 4:10 PM

Match Comments

podoboyz99 (+18) defeated GwiLo (-18) on 12/20/2015 10:57 PM
corp win vs kate
GwiLo (+16) defeated podoboyz99 (-16) on 12/20/2015 10:08 PM
Runner win vs. HB. Again.
GwiLo (+17) defeated podoboyz99 (-17) on 12/20/2015 9:46 PM
Runner win vs. HB
podoboyz99 (+16) defeated GwiLo (-16) on 12/20/2015 9:06 PM
runner win vs RP
GwiLo (+17) defeated podoboyz99 (-17) on 12/20/2015 8:42 PM
Runner win.
podoboyz99 (+16) defeated GwiLo (-16) on 12/20/2015 8:40 PM
runner win vs RP
Frizzler (+15) defeated bahram (-15) on 12/20/2015 2:01 PM
Frizzler Maxx wins against bahram HB ETF
Frizzler (+16) defeated bahram (-16) on 12/20/2015 2:00 PM
Frizzler HB CI wins against bahram Kate
cspieker (+14) defeated BoogalooShrimp (-14) on 12/19/2015 5:30 PM
Sync over Noise
cspieker (+16) defeated BoogalooShrimp (-16) on 12/19/2015 4:43 PM
Nasir over PE
cspieker (+21) defeated Matuszczak (-21) on 12/18/2015 7:04 PM
Corp win
Matuszczak (+12) defeated cspieker (-12) on 12/18/2015 6:39 PM
Corp win
GwiLo (+17) defeated podoboyz99 (-17) on 12/18/2015 5:22 PM
Corp win.
Matuszczak (+13) defeated trogador (-13) on 12/17/2015 10:28 AM
Corp win
Matuszczak (+15) defeated trogador (-15) on 12/17/2015 10:21 AM
Runner win
Matuszczak (+16) defeated callmedutch (-16) on 12/16/2015 4:34 PM
Runner win
callmedutch (+17) defeated Matuszczak (-17) on 12/16/2015 4:31 PM
runner win
podoboyz99 (+15) defeated cspieker (-15) on 12/14/2015 9:46 PM
Corp forfit win vs Nasir
podoboyz99 (+16) defeated cspieker (-16) on 12/14/2015 9:45 PM
runner win vs SYNC
Matuszczak (+15) defeated BoogalooShrimp (-15) on 12/14/2015 4:33 PM
Runner win
Matuszczak (+16) defeated BoogalooShrimp (-16) on 12/14/2015 4:05 PM
Corp win