Below you will find pending and recent matches. Pending matches have not had their verification period expire and are not counted in the standings yet. Recent matches are official and are reflected in the standings. For more information, read up on the match approval process.

Pending Matches

No outstanding matches require verification.

* Pending match +/- and rating calculations include unverified matches. They may change if matches are rejected.

Recent Matches

Reporter Rating Opponent Rating Match Result Reported On Resolved On
+15 - Shekky_ducky 1561 -15 - Khudzlin 1515 Reporter wins. 9/7/2019 8:26 AM 9/8/2019 5:24 PM
+16 - Prodigy 1471 -16 - RSDoom 1443 Reporter wins. 9/6/2019 6:28 PM 9/9/2019 6:28 PM
+14 - DirkPortly 1532 -14 - RSDoom 1459 Reporter wins. 9/6/2019 5:37 PM 9/9/2019 5:37 PM
+14 - Shekky_ducky 1546 -14 - RSDoom 1473 Reporter wins. 9/5/2019 5:25 PM 9/8/2019 5:24 PM
+14 - Khudzlin 1530 -14 - Prodigy 1455 Reporter wins. 9/2/2019 12:44 PM 9/2/2019 1:03 PM
+17 - swider 1489 -17 - Prodigy 1469 Reporter wins. 9/1/2019 12:21 PM 9/1/2019 12:22 PM
+18 - swider 1472 -18 - Prodigy 1486 Reporter wins. 9/1/2019 11:10 AM 9/1/2019 12:21 PM
+17 - Shekky_ducky 1532 -17 - Deputy Way 1518 Reporter wins. 8/28/2019 6:29 PM 8/31/2019 6:28 PM
+18 - DirkPortly 1518 -18 - Deputy Way 1535 Reporter wins. 8/28/2019 5:52 PM 8/31/2019 5:52 PM
+20 - Prodigy 1504 -20 - Deputy Way 1553 Reporter wins. 8/28/2019 4:29 PM 8/31/2019 4:29 PM
+13 - Deputy Way 1573 -13 - RSDoom 1487 Reporter wins. 8/27/2019 2:23 PM 8/30/2019 2:22 PM
+14 - Deputy Way 1560 -14 - Aussie_Scum 1486 Reporter wins. 8/25/2019 8:16 PM 8/27/2019 7:25 AM
+14 - Shekky_ducky 1515 -14 - swider 1454 Reporter wins. 8/25/2019 3:20 PM 8/25/2019 3:24 PM
+16 - Shekky_ducky 1501 -16 - swider 1468 Reporter wins. 8/25/2019 3:04 PM 8/25/2019 3:24 PM
+16 - Khudzlin 1516 -16 - swider 1484 Reporter wins. 8/25/2019 1:13 PM 8/25/2019 1:19 PM
+15 - Deputy Way 1546 -15 - Shekky_ducky 1485 Reporter wins. 8/25/2019 6:00 AM 8/27/2019 7:25 AM
+15 - Deputy Way 1531 -15 - SereneJ 1485 Reporter wins. 8/24/2019 7:25 AM 8/27/2019 7:25 AM
+16 - Deputy Way 1516 -16 - Prodigy 1484 Reporter wins. 8/23/2019 8:29 PM 8/23/2019 10:10 PM

Match Comments

Shekky_ducky (+15) defeated Khudzlin (-15) on 9/7/2019 8:26 AM
My Des Row vs. his 108 Drunken Masters
Prodigy (+16) defeated RSDoom (-16) on 9/6/2019 6:28 PM
1st Peoples civil war:
His Eagle Wardens vs my non-Doctors Office of Ancestral Affairs
DirkPortly (+14) defeated RSDoom (-14) on 9/6/2019 5:37 PM
my House of Many Faiths vs his Eagle Wardens
Shekky_ducky (+14) defeated RSDoom (-14) on 9/5/2019 5:25 PM
My Des Row vs. his Office of Ancestral Affairs
Khudzlin (+14) defeated Prodigy (-14) on 9/2/2019 12:44 PM
Office of Ancestral Affairs vs 108 Drunken Masters
swider (+17) defeated Prodigy (-17) on 9/1/2019 12:21 PM
FMB vs Office
swider (+18) defeated Prodigy (-18) on 9/1/2019 11:10 AM
Oddities vs Office
Shekky_ducky (+17) defeated Deputy Way (-17) on 8/28/2019 6:29 PM
My Des Row v. his Oddities
DirkPortly (+18) defeated Deputy Way (-18) on 8/28/2019 5:52 PM
timed win
Prodigy (+20) defeated Deputy Way (-20) on 8/28/2019 4:29 PM
My Office of Ancestral Affairs vs his Full Moon Brotherhood
Deputy Way (+13) defeated RSDoom (-13) on 8/27/2019 2:23 PM
Signin' over Yan Lee's Tailoring. So nice of the Eagle Wardens to make it worth CP! :)
Deputy Way (+14) defeated Aussie_Scum (-14) on 8/25/2019 8:16 PM
Master Shou learned to fear the real Abominations.., us! :)
Shekky_ducky (+14) defeated swider (-14) on 8/25/2019 3:20 PM
My Des Row vs. his FMB
Shekky_ducky (+16) defeated swider (-16) on 8/25/2019 3:04 PM
My Des Row vs. his Full Moon Brotherhood
Khudzlin (+16) defeated swider (-16) on 8/25/2019 1:13 PM
Full Moon Brotherhood vs 108 Drunken Masters
Deputy Way (+15) defeated Shekky_ducky (-15) on 8/25/2019 6:00 AM
The quick and the dead... this game had both! :)
Deputy Way (+15) defeated SereneJ (-15) on 8/24/2019 7:25 AM
20-19 at Time! Go Ivor Hawley XP!
Deputy Way (+16) defeated Prodigy (-16) on 8/23/2019 8:29 PM
It was the greatest show on Earth... and then it was over.