Below you will find pending and recent matches. Pending matches have not had their verification period expire and are not counted in the standings yet. Recent matches are official and are reflected in the standings. For more information, read up on the match approval process.

Pending Matches

No outstanding matches require verification.

* Pending match +/- and rating calculations include unverified matches. They may change if matches are rejected.

Recent Matches

Reporter Rating Opponent Rating Match Result Reported On Resolved On
+15 - geeklimit 1542 -15 - spogooter 1485 Reporter wins. 3/23/2014 6:41 PM 3/24/2014 4:55 AM
+19 - dillon_biz 1504 -19 - geeklimit 1527 Reporter wins. 3/3/2014 5:30 PM 3/4/2014 5:30 PM
+15 - geeklimit 1546 -15 - dillon_biz 1485 Reporter wins. 3/3/2014 5:29 PM 3/4/2014 5:30 PM
+15 - geeklimit 1531 -15 - Popcorn 1485 Reporter wins. 3/2/2014 6:40 PM 3/3/2014 6:40 PM
+16 - Popcorn 1500 -16 - w0nk0 1467 Reporter wins. 3/2/2014 5:48 PM 3/2/2014 5:48 PM
+16 - geeklimit 1516 -16 - w0nk0 1483 Reporter wins. 3/2/2014 5:30 PM 3/2/2014 5:31 PM
+17 - Milanchic 1517 -17 - w0nk0 1499 Reporter wins. 3/2/2014 2:53 PM 3/2/2014 2:54 PM
+16 - w0nk0 1516 -16 - Popcorn 1484 Reporter wins. 3/1/2014 1:20 PM 3/2/2014 1:21 PM
+16 - w0nk0 1516 -16 - geeklimit 1484 Match rejected. 3/1/2014 1:06 PM 3/1/2014 2:05 PM

Match Comments

geeklimit (+15) defeated spogooter (-15) on 3/23/2014 6:41 PM
Spitfire IIb vs. LaGG-3-66 & D.520
dillon_biz (+19) defeated geeklimit (-19) on 3/3/2014 5:30 PM
1 win and 1 loss 2 matches played
geeklimit (+15) defeated dillon_biz (-15) on 3/3/2014 5:29 PM
geeklimit A6M2 vs dillon Bf109F-4
geeklimit (+15) defeated Popcorn (-15) on 3/2/2014 6:40 PM
1v1, geeklimit A6M3 vs popcorn 109F-4
Popcorn (+16) defeated w0nk0 (-16) on 3/2/2014 5:48 PM
Popcorn BF104 - W0nk0 A6m3
geeklimit (+16) defeated w0nk0 (-16) on 3/2/2014 5:30 PM
1v1 no AI, flew A6M3 vs w0nk0 La-5
w0nk0 (+16) defeated Popcorn (-16) on 3/1/2014 1:20 PM
AI for the win!
w0nk0 (+16) defeated geeklimit (-16) on 3/1/2014 1:06 PM
The opening game!