Board Owner:
Starting Rating:
Active Competitors:
Retired Competitors:
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Auto-Verifies In (hrs):
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Ends On:
The rules of the league:

 1. The time limit for a match is 75 minutes, then tournaments rules apply, three noon plays per player, or the game ends immediately if it goes to Sundown.

2. There are no restrictions on decks or faction, you can play different deck in every single game ( one exception, you can use one deck during elimination phase of the league against one player).

3.To be able to qualify to the elimination phase of the league,you have to complete at least 10 games. Top 8 players (who complete at least 10 games) will progress to elimination phase. The quarter and semi finals will be played in the best of one format, unless both players decide before the match that they want to play the best of three. The quarter final matches should be completed within a week after the regular part of the league finishes, semi finals should be completed following week. The final will be played in the best of three format.

4. No more than 20% of games can be played against one player at trigger points which are 10,15,20 and then every 5 games, so maximum 2 games after 10 games played, 3 after 15 etc.

5. Please make sure at the beginning of the game that both players want to play a league game, don't assume that if somebody else is in the league it automatically means that the game you are playing is a league game.

6. The winner should make a screenshot and report a game here, most people like if the loser of the game verifies the result ASAP

7.Bad Medicine is legal from the first day of the league. After new expansion is added to the client it becomes legal for play after 3 days, or if both players agree on it immediately after being added.

 Additional information:

1 Some participants of the league use different nicks on challengeboards and OCTGN, so please make sure you know who are you playing against
before each game.