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Doomtown enters a new era with Weird West Edition!

In this league we will use the new 'Weird West Edition' round-up format of Weird West Edition, which means the new WWE base set, plus all Pine Box era sets. Decks can be changed in between games as often as you like. If we make a cut to the top 4/8, we will require one deck for all the top cut games.

In this league, you will seek out fellow players to arrange games as often (or as little) as you wish.  We encourage trying to find a variety of opponents, and to that end up to 2 games out of every 5 can be against the same person.  For instance, if I've played 4 games, and 2 of them were against Bob, then I could not record another official game with Bob until I get at least 1 more game under my belt.  Of course Bob and I could play causally, without recording the results here!

Discord will be the best place to arrange games, using the #dt-online-lfg channel.

We also have plenty of folks there who can answer rules, and any other questions in a pinch!

The rules:

*Games should be played using the new platform.

1. Players are not locked into one deck for the league, and can switch between decks from game to game as they wish.

Only official WWE format cards are legal, which includes the sets:

Weird West Edition  base set
There Comes a Reckoning
Too Tough to Die
Out for Blood
Hell's Comin' With Me
Welcome to Deadwood

Banned cards: Decimator Array

2. No time limits by default, but the players can agree to whatever limits they wish.  A good number to keep things sane, by default, is 75 minutes.

3. Maximum of 2/5 of games can be played against one particular player.  You can only play one person 2 times for each set of 5 games you record.  For instance, if I've played 4 games, and 2 of them were against Shekky, then I could not record another official game with him until I get at least 1 more game under my belt (and that also assumes he's also played at least 5 games as well).

4. A minimum of 4 games is required to make the top cut (top 2, 4, or 8 depending on activity)

5.  Have fun!  This is about the love of the game and our awesome community!

Doomtown Online platform:

Rulebook, specific card rulings, etc can all be found here: